Thursday, January 3, 2013

Forgiveness is the scent the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.

My trust was snapped.
I turned the cheek, and it was slapped.
My heart is bruised, abused, used.
I am hurt, yet do not hate.
My mind is writhing in debate.
Be still, troubles.
Cease this turmoil, this tempest.
Help me lead him to repentance,
for it is bliss.
Turn his Judas kiss aside.
Help him confess all these lies and hide in
shadows no longer.
Give him the peace His heart longs for.
We were not made to be despised
Yet something has belied his mind
so now self-loathing does abide inside him.
Let truth be told and truth be kept.
His soul has wavered while it slept.
Awaken him.
Tell him "Come forth!"
His sins shall die.
There will be a rebirth.
May the tears of the righteous
not go unseen.
Son of David, don't pass by.
I cry for the one who's denied you.
Let me move your heart to compassion.
Bless him.

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