Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Song Inspired by Snores

One night while I was in Washington I couldn't sleep due to the snoring of my Mum; So I went out to the living room and spent some time with God. Now and then i write my prayers as i sing them. I did so that night and I thought I'd share.

Let us be the clay in Your hands
mold us shape us to carry out Your plans

Your name shines from the mountain tops
the sky paints Your love for us
we shout Your name
let our voices strain
till we can sing no longer
but our hearts carry on shouting for You
for You to come
to sweep through this place
free us with Your grace

uncover our eyes
unchain all our souls
we want to see You
to see Your face
to see Your name lifted high
we want to glorify You

Let all our tears fall
we crumble to our knees
and accept Your humble crown
to Your cross we crawl
and lay all our sin down
and pick up Your grace
we serve the One who gave it all
let people wonder why we stand so tall

He is our joy
He is grace
He is the one who took my place
He paid my debt
He is beside me day after day
He is the only way home

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