Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Hello, Goodbye

My grandma was taken in, and hugged by God on Saturday. I don't blame him for wanting her, she's phenomenal, but I'm still here so I'll miss her like crazy. I was there when she died and it was strange to see her face, the face i have always associated with her spirit, but no longer see HER in her face. It reminded me that when we die the body we currently have is stripped away and we can no longer hide behind a smile or a stony expression or tell "white lies" because without our bodies our soul is bare before God and before man. We will then realize that it was truly impossible all along to deceive God for this is how he has seen us always.

My grandma was one of the sweetest people i have ever had the privilege to know. She loved God so deeply that she would talk to him in her sleep. Her whole day was out of whack if she forgot to do her devotions in the mornings. She thought about herself very little and loved others very much. She kept her eyes on heaven and did her best to bring some of it to earth.

I love you Grammy, I hope to become like you in that you did your best to become like God.

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